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If you're looking for another reason to take the plunge and finally buy some bitcoin, check out Nobel Prize-Winning economist Joseph Stigltiz's new interview with Bloomberg, in which he says it should 'be outlawed' and warns that the government 'could crack down at any moment and then [bitcoin] collapses.'

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Stiglitz is the George Costanza of economists: Every instinct he has, do the opposite. In 2002, he coauthored an infamous paper concluding that 'the risk to the government from a potential default on [Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac] debt is effectively zero.' And it's almost a decade to the month since he was in Caracas praising Hugo Chavez's economic policies.

Speaking of Venezuela, Stiglitz also told Bloomberg that bitcoin 'doesn't serve any socially useful function.' While it's true that cryptocurrency's world-altering potential won't be fully realized until the technology advances quite a bit, it's already enabling the citizens of that country ravaged by socialism to obtain life-saving food and medicine.

Is it that Stiglitz is an advocate of expansive government power in all contexts (he's also urging the U.S. to outlaw cash), or is it that he's too arrogant to bother trying to understand the most successful free-market money system running on the internet? I say both. (Fellow Nobel Laureate Paul The-Internet-Will-Be-About-as-Useful-as-the-Fax-Machine Krugman is also a bitcoin skeptic.)

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One of the great pleasures of observing bitcoin's rapid rise in price and prominence is that it's sending elite economists into fits of confusion and stoking their insecurity. ('We ought to just go back to what we always have had,' Stiglitz told Bloomberg.)

What Bitcoin has done for me: Taught me to take lofty titles with a grain of salt (professor, Noble Prize winner, etc). Your title doesn't make you an authority on things you don't bother to understand.

— Alan Silbert (@alansilbert) November 29, 2017

In calling for bitcoin to be 'outlawed,' Stiglitz demonstrated that he doesn't understand that bitcoin is just code, which makes a global ban impossible. Thanks to the recently launched bitcoin satellite service, and a system in development for sending cryptocurrency transactions through radio signals, even shutting down the internet wouldn't stop bitcoin.

Stiglitz is also unaware of one of cryptocurrency's most important paradigm shifts: It turned money into speech, thus affording it First Amendment protection. In the most recent episode of Forbes journalist Laura Shin's excellent Unchainedpodcast (published before Stiglitz' remarks), the prominent venture capitalist Naval Ravikant (arguably the most articulate thinker in the crypto space) expounded on this point:

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What bitcoin did is it turned code into money. So bitcoin is pure code—there's no paper, there's no guns, there's no federal government. It's just pure code. So to stop bitcoin you've got to stop code, and code is actually just speech. It's just a bunch of numbers and letters that I write down and that the computer interprets. So you have to stop me from writing those numbers or letters down in a certain sequence and conveying them to other people, [and then] to stop them from loading it on a computer somewhere in the world, [and then] to stop someone else from then turning that into money. So you can't control the way money flows unless you can stop the developers from…talking to each other, and thinking. And the regime that could do that would probably be one of the evilest regimes on the planet.

Thanks to a landmark 1996 ruling by Judge Marilyn Hall Patel and later affirmed by the Ninth Circuit Court, there's strong legal precedent for the idea that code is speech. Mathematician Daniel Bernstein, with assistance from the Electronic Frontier Foundation, had sued the U.S. government in 1995 for blocking publication of an encryption program he had written. 'Computer language is just that, language,' Judge Patel wrote in her decision.

Upholding that principle, I believe, will be the most important free speech battle in the years to come.

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I explored this topic in a recent video:

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Understanding How To Control MMORPG Markets (in-depth introduction)
0.0: Intro(..what is this?)
1.0: Getting into the mindset for success
2.0: Finding & controlling markets
3.0: Why supplies & materials control the masses
4.0: Getting services to depend on you through direct relationships
5.0: Growing into an empire by hiring employees
5.1: Quick things to build rep with random people
6.0: Optimizing profits on both ends
7.0: Creating, controlling, manipulating, and exploiting buzz/hype
7.1: Method One:Learning the art of the salesman
7.2: Method Two:Learning the art of image control
7.3: Method Three:Selling your soul to gain quick and large profits
7.4: Method Four:Being a good friend instead of a business associate
7.5: Method Five:Using database programs and websites
8.0: Finding consumers not prosumers
8.1: Exploiting currency trade
9.0: Closing
0.0: Intro:(..what is this?)
Hello everybody! Been a while since I was around and it's nice to see some familiar names. Today I was sitting in IRC talking about past experiences in mmorpgs with others who were just starting the experience and ended up going down basically a small lecture on taking control of areas of open markets and holding them for ransom. Lately I've been helping moderate a RO server and am offering super unprofessional advice around the clock in the openkore IRC channel. Regardless of topic mainly people were talking about WoW which I played for around a year of which the last six months were basically nothing more then hours spent manipulating the markets and driving sales.
Now I want to say I've not played WoW for a long time, I'm sure it's a vastly different game then when I played so references might not match up well but what I'm talking about is more human nature and understanding when and how to progress from a simple salesman to a businessman to attempting (the most fun and the most time consuming) to hold onto an empire. I'm sure there's plenty of players out there better at this then me, actually I'm positive because of the competition I've personally experienced. Also the idea of controlling such a huuuge market is mind blowing at first and it's not like a light switch were all a sudden you're dominating. Now let’s cover what I mean by market before confusion sets in and people think I'm talking about every last item. When I say market I'm generically referring to a need of the population.
This will take quite a bit of time to accomplish and you will go through many many failures, losses, and frustrating moments when you temporary loose control. Having dedicated a pretty good chunk of my professional life to the art of being a salesman I'd just like to note you're not going to be a friendly person on the server going through this until the end. Period. I'm going to note in this about complete asshat morally bankrupt tactics that will turn a profit at all costs but will cost you your public image from time to time as anything other then an epic trader and gold horder. (often got me reported for selling currency in many mmorpgs)
I'm actually posting this here because so many people expressed interest in this while I was chatting. All MMORPG players can benefit from this type of information no matter how much of this they actually follow. Since Ars has always been my internet home (no matter if I've been gone for years or not) I figured I'd share this here. I'm not claiming to be the master of this, I'm just speaking from personal experience. If you have better information/advice please by all means correct me or add to this. Also I'd like to note for a while now I've been (at least I'm told) a pretty friendly guy and this topic made people actively note that I must be evil as hell. This is business and I'll cover in these topics popular disconnecting methods companies have personally used on me over the years. In one light this lightly covers salesmanship but it's more meant to teach people that just can't figure out how to accumulate mass wealth in mmorpgs without exchanging real global currency for digital currency.
Furthermore I don’t' see a reason to hold back statements here, I don't play WoW or a lot of other MMORPGS anymore but if I'm going to spend the time to type this up then the reader is getting the full experience.
1.0: Getting into the mindset for success:
This is all going to sound like it's coming from a very aggressive stand point. Working in any market that drives sales is aggressive and the most aggressive is going to reign supreme most of the time. Sadly the all mighty dollar can ruin your empire in no time because your trade of digital currency can be accumulated easily by others with real money. If you make enough enemies in a particular market you're going to find somebody who's willing to toss down some extra cash they have to basically buyout your power.
To keep at these people you need to dominate so publicly that others basically give up. What you're attempting to do here is break a market so that it falls apart and relies on you to continue. This can be materials or rare items, whatever. The key is of course to control as much of the total market as you can but you're never going to completely stop trade outside of your own. (we can only dream)
Also depending on what servers you play, or what game, some GMs get really upset about this behavior in their worlds. You need to get into the mindset that all these people are little income generators and all your mission bases off of is finding how to tap every last one of these to the max. You'll never again be nice to somebody and cut them a discount and often you're hyping things completely out of the normal player’s hands. You cannot start feeling bad about this or your empire is going to fall. Just because you took an item everybody could have before and made it to where only the top 10% of the server can afford it isn't evil, it's business. This is going to directly affect your bottom line and how fast you expand.
Many companies train there salesmen to become unattached to the concept of money. Most the time I've heard something along the lines of 'don't sell with your own wallet, you are not them, your income/situation/mindset is completely outside of this'. Once you get to the point where you don't care if somebody can afford something or not, or if they really need it, you've stepped up beyond most generic salesman today. How fast and easy this transformation is for you can easily determine how good of a career you might have being a salesman. I worked in a corp. test unit for a absolutely huge chain here in the states and every last person in the group could walk out of the buildings everyday trying to out rank others with 'epic sales'. These small ways companies will train employees are really effective because they break you from ever considering what you're doing is an utter rip-off to the customer or that there might be a better solution to their problems.
Another key step on the way to becoming a good salesman is when you've came around through it all and know what you're doing every time but continue to do it anyways. Some jobs I've had required a personality test and these things are over all generic but I've met some managers that won't hire outside of scores that show you're probably fine with this type of behavior. The next step to creating a bomb salesman is competition. You need to create a warzone on your own sales floor or markets. If you have salesmen competing with each other to do better, earn more, or just for general respect/props then you've now created a system that’s continually working harder and harder for you without earning more at all. You may ask what does this all have to do with a freak'n video game? Well we're going to incorporate all of this into our process of gaining, maintaining, and optimizing digital wealth.
The place you want to be in the end (at least to WoW people) is just the guy who sits at his mailbox accepting CODs and sending CODs out while running back to the main market. (auction house, capital cities, etc) In almost every MMORPG I've played slowly since I start the game I've worked to a point where I don't even really play the game per say, I mean I don't kill monsters, hunt MVPs, do raids, whatever. I'm logged in constantly taking care of market needs and trying to expand how much I can push them.
2.0: Finding & controlling markets:
In order to find an area worth exploiting you need to just look at what’s in demand. Find anything that has a relatively low number in global existence but is needed on a somewhat regular fashion. Generally in games I highly suggest working with supplies/materials for other processes. Ores, herbs, cloths, whatever. Anything that's needed to make something else or used in quests. The best are items that nobody is consistently providing already that you can farm up yourself but any item will work depending on your budget. Once you have money from this move directly to rare items because anything that’s hard to get can be exploited easier and faster. Find the average price on this item by watching the market for a while, after you've saved enough currency up to start go ahead and buy out every copy of the item on the market.
Next relist these items, or throw up vendors, whatever with the price 5-10x what it was before. Just blow that thing up. Now when you sell at least one of them to somebody truly in need of this item, somebody who has large sums of currency and doesn't care, or somebody who just doesn't know better you can now afford to invest back into 10 more copies of this item. Normally while you're starting you'll be reinvesting this back into the same items pulling them back down off the market from others who are still listing at a normal price. Most people will continue to list at a respectable price because they know others will buy over yours. Keep pulling these items off the market and dumping them into storage.
You'll quite naturally accumulate massive amounts of these items because you're selling them slower then normal. Once you have a stock pile built of good size you're actually only spending money to protect your investment. Now what happens when people list right below your epically stupid price? This is where time and amount comes into play. Flood the market to keep the item off the radar, normally people will just as easily spend a fairly close price to save time then hunt for the best deal. If you can't flood the market then this is where we finally start the infinitely lame process of loosing profits. We start so crazy high so that we have plenty of room to fight with other players to regain control of a market.
If you can instantly drop below their price and continue to keep them off the hot spot most the time people will just quit trying to make some nice amount of cash and just sell out cheaply to make some form of income. Go ahead and snap these items back up from the player and relist your items back at the original super high rate. Occasionally a number of people will attack one of your markets at once or a player will stock pile items in an attempt to put a good battle down for ending your reign of over priced exploitation. This is when it's more about being a wise business man then anything else. Temporarily loosing markets often saves you the overwhelming expense it would take to out buy your enemy.
When this happens they'll celebrate and run the item for a while but it didn't effect your global stock of this item it just took you out of the trade for a bit. It can be difficult to supply things server wide in bulk if you're new to it or don't have a plan/schedule/worker bees. Let them run wild for a bit and when there supply is low or they've moved onto another area they're main characters need to progress to for leveling buy them out and take back over the market by over whelming number. It's rare to find players who will even attempt to compete with you over say longer then a week and all the long term market wars I've been in were only from the people that were in place before I came along. Their previous dominance of a particular market allowed them to already have most of what this article talks about. How well they maintain this market with all its inner relationships often determines how much stress is placed on them by others. Commonly you won't be able to long term battle somebody that has a market well pwned, but instead you can win by causing stress to make them quit the market.
If you cannot break into a market that you know is a fat source of income take the fight to their supply lines. Offer better deals, hell if you've stepped your game up and have currency stock piles then offer something stupid to buy them out. Nothing puts stress on somebody running a market like cutting supply lines. If you can truly afford to throw money at the problem attack multiple supply lines until their entire empire is starting to have problems. At this very moment many many people who have risen in status and power will come down because they just can't keep it all together by pulling in new supplies on their own quickly. The majority of people don't have a mass stock pile which is a bad bad idea, you need to be able to supply product in a pinch and at the drop of a mouse button.
3.0: Using supplies & materials to control the masses:
Starting at the low end of the scales where people generally only use items to create others allows you a bigger hand of power over the server. You'll need to scale up to truly exploit this to it's max but if you can start effecting the base materials of an entire category of items (say potions) then prices will jack up all over the server for everything related. When this happens people will have to start making extreme price jumps when they want to turn a profit for all this money they're investing in a previously cheap item.
When you start this transition into effecting global prices on items you can trade these needed items to people who can make high end items with it but are really bad at bartering. Once you get a few good items in trade stop trading it back to the community and jack prices up again. Then when they're selling items at some impossibly high price take the items they made in trade for you and list them in the highest price range that you can that's still right below what the people relying on you can afford to sale them for without loosing all profits.
Applying these techniques you'll efficiently start dominating all sides of a market on a category of items from a pretty small sum of funds and effort. Play this game with as many people you can find that you can sell into a good deal, before dropping the hammer back on global prices. Even if you only affect things for two or three days with your first few primarily low budget advances that’s enough time to do this and start building a wealth pile. This is also a key time to practice your skills at this and learn by getting your feet wet.
4.0: Getting services to depend on you through direct relationships:
Of course you need to double tax this situation to the max. Once you're in the ballpark currency range to start running a market full time without much trouble from other players you need to allow others to bloom under you to make it appear the market is still freely controlled. To do this find people who can't compete with your markets but provide items the community still needs. Go to this person and explain how you dominate the items they need. They'll honestly probably tell you 'I know' and might not be too happy with you for crippling their profits.
This is where you make the move to greater profits through increasing the amount of product you're moving quite a bit. Sell them on skipping the public trade lines and getting everything they need from you. When they ask why you need to offer an absolutely pathetic offer that’s only slightly cheaper then open market price. Welcome to negations again. Make a deal with them, force your power of controlling the items on them and leave if they want a decent price on them. Once you find people who will buy them for slightly cheaper then your already stupid price then accept it and start pushing items their way on a need only basis.
This way you have a stable income coming in a lot faster without loosing much off your outrageous price to start with. Don't supply them with anything more then they can logically use unless you're looking for somebody to dump a market on after cleaning out supplies for a while. If you do dump a market load of stock on somebody you can often buy it back in a week when they can't manage keeping it all running. If somebody comes to you admitting defeat and looking to dump off loads of your previous market on you again, buy them back at 1/10th the price. Absolutely never pay back into your own exit move. You'd be surprised the amount of time you get your entire stock back virtually free.
Following this you can finally get a completely stable, loyal, and most important happy exit sources for all your goods without the randomness of the market. Keep your market appearances up, actually push them harder because the people you're hooking up directly are going to be laying items out on the market at prices that others can't compete with. Once you start making the gap between your providers and the rest of the market wider you'll find most people stop trying in defeat and allow you to work your system longer, easier, and cheaper since you're not spending to protect your investments as much.
5.0: Growing into an empire by hiring employees:
The biggest step on the way to empiring a games economy and finally expanding to any item/resource you want is cutting down on all the work you do. In business you wouldn't be on the ground floor anymore and here you don't want to be ether. This is going to catch you a lot of gripe from the player base while you're pulling it off and after you've achieved success you'll buy authenticity with the mass approval of drones because they see it happening so much.
Go to public places, cities, guilds, and look for suppliers of your items. Talk to these people and sell them on the concept that they're wasting their time trying to sell these items. Instead they should save time, increase profits, and stop even worrying about the random predictability of the market by directly selling them to you. For this luxury service you're of course only going to pay a fraction of what the item is worth because after all you're the one doing all the work moving it. Yes I literally expect you to re-read that and accept this as your general pitch when starting this. Once again remember we're talking about the masses. If one wont' do it forget them, the next will.
Can't find these people? Having trouble locating good sources for items? One of the major problems if you're working on your way up to max level in a game is people just aren’t playing in areas for supplies you need masses off all the time. If you can't supply a constantly stable paycheck to them they're not going to play in an area that's low exp. Instead once you've advanced your sales technique down to a pitch or two that you're good at, just go sit in the areas you want items from. Or play in them, I mainly just ran around looking for people or waiting. Once you found somebody who's playing there, make the sale and recruit them as a freelance employee.
Most games now a days have a mailbox service. You need to save yourself from talking to people as much as possible to maximize profits per hour that you're spending in the gaming world. Agree on a price and have them COD you the item or mail it with trust you'll pay when it hits. Sometimes to build trust I've bought a few lots of items upfront because to me it's a tiny amount of cash but to them it's a nice chunk of loyalty. This way all you have to do is log in and check your mail for all the items you need for your markets at super cheap prices without going or doing anything.
5.1: Quick things to build rep with random people:
While you're out creating your pyramid of worker bees I highly recommend writing down each persons name, level, class, race, and random information really quickly. Then what they're sending you, what day you met them, etc. this way when you need to write a friendly email, pm, quota statement, whatever you can throw in some nice details that make it seem like you really remember them and care. Really you'll be doing this on such mass scale everybody will just blend in and you won't remember or care about any of them. But the point is using this technique you can build continued relationships with people over time until you have people who just want to work for you as a way to earn currency in game.
Once this happens people will even start recruiting for you themselves. Their friends, guilds, etc. will all want in on the easy fast exchange of goods. When you expand to this level you can stop selling others on this and tell your private army of farmers what you want them to get for you and they'll go do it. This is the best situation you can get to be in for truly running an empire on a server.
6.0: Optimizing profits on both ends:
Once you've got your private farming crew bringing stuff in and you're just shipping it back out to people who need it without much effort it's time to really squeeze the profits out. This is where we create artificial hype and get competition working for you. You need to suddenly tell your sources that others are offering to farm things for cheaper then standard rates. This will actually often happen without you artificially creating it but if not then go for it. Because people want to make money and are now almost completely dependant on you for easy money most the time they'll match the offer or even beat it. This way you're now getting supplies cheaper then ever before. Flex your power and be willing to cut off people until they agree to give you more for less.
At the same time go to your direct to end user hook ups and explain others are offering a lot more to have this type of access to supplies on demand. Increase costs 10% and push the market up another 20%. Now you're trading to your direct purchasers at the previous high market rate, you've expanded profits all around while doing this. There's a graceful balance in knowing how to appropriately time the crippling of an economy and it can take time to raise prices safely without ruining the profits. I've even went as far as to raise prices by a single digit gain every day or so until people just think it's slowly raised to a new high instead of thinking I was just being a jackass and juicing every last gold piece out of a community.
Carefully flex your muscle on a week by week base until you've found the max your server is willing to pay for something. Once you've found the line keep everybody happy by providing momentary breaks in prices sometimes in the name of luck in the supply lines. You can even send some items they need over with a note about how cool they are and how you hope they're having a good day. (insert noted information) Once you've succeeded at this all you have to do is maintain it!
7.0: Creating, controlling, manipulating, and exploiting buzz/hype:
A lot of people brought up to me during this chat this morning that this can't be done by yourself. And they're right you require other people, after all this is a growing and changing economy based on the servers needs and population. Also it can't be done with the image of one person behind a movement. But all of this can be done by the power of one person with the appropriate time, attitude, and understanding. People are sheep, they just want to fit in with the masses. No matter how dumb something is that people are droning to they'll continue to drone if you change the situation.
You're going to need to artificially create a movement for people to drone too. This is often done by using multiple characters that appear to have nothing to do with each other to make something appear to be in demand or hyped. Basically you need advertising and in mmorpgs there are only a few types of real advertisement. One you go out into the people with a grass roots movement and talk about the benefits of select items or services. Two you list them on the open markets trade system, WoW has the auction house, RO has vendors, etc. You're going to be doing both of these things constantly and getting good at them requires practice.
7.1: Method One:(learning the art of the salesman)
The first option of the grass roots movement can be done in two very easy ways. One goes to capital cities or places were players gather and talk about an item in a positive light. Really toss it in there, be a fan boy to the end. Knowing how to sell an item is just as important when you're the person trying to rid yourself of crappy absolutely worthless investments for huge profits. This I learned early on in my sales career. You need to find things you can accumulate in great masses for practically free and then hype a value to them. You don't need fancy name brand things to sell well, Think about the 1980's and start rocking out. If you're new to sales or just a really nice person let me break this down for better understanding.
To sell something you only talk about the benefits, the good side, and the amazing things it does. You never mention a negative. Also don't even bother with a price until you've got somebody just absolutely in your pocket sold. This was best explained to me when I started out as the 'loading your gun method'. Let’s say your target is your customer and to win this battle of the minds you need to gain ammo for your weapon. The reason people ask you questions when you go to a company/store is to gather information or 'bullets'. When you talk to somebody every question you ask needs to have a spin you're going to take and run with no matter what somebody says. These are loaded questions and every good salesman is a master of it.
After somebody answers your question be prepared and quick on why that’s the correct path to go. Let’s say for instance you're trying to up sell somebody. Your job as a salesman is to use friendly and helpful information to load your weapon until once you pull the trigger the fight is over, no coming back, the walls coming down, go go go omg your new card is at 30% interest and is already charged. Basically this comes down to asking questions about the customer’s life. (or character) Take any reason in the world they'd need this item or service and use it as a bridge to the greatness this item will bring you not only right now but in the long run as well. A generic example of the later is; let’s say an item gives you fire resistance, instead of selling this based off its fire resistance and how cool it is, sell the item off how cool items are you can get from fire element areas of the game.
Here you've taken the image of this item away from itself and associated how cool this item is, or it's value with something completely different. You're selling this as a stepping stone to a better life, a better character, better gear, respect, whatever. Now that you've made a connection with an individual you need to keep it going. DO NOT release control of the conversation back to the person you're selling. Anytime somebody gets to talk or has time to think, they're doing just that -thinking- THIS IS BAD FOR YOU. They can call friends, talk to others, go to another store, check the auction house, or just come to their senses. You need to drive the conversation from this connection you've made to deep specific details you've loaded your weapon with through conversation. Even learning to keep a list of weaknesses a customer has in the back of your mind is an art to learn. When finding these details you'll then need to order them while you're speaking in a manner that flows well and connects each point in a snow ball manner continually growing. If the person tells you the character build is to do something specific, or their guild needs certain characters then talk specifically about how much they're going to benefit from using this item to gain another item or how much they'll shock their guild when they with stand fireball after fireball.
What’s pretty sweet about this is it doesn't take long to develop a pitch for an item. You need to look at this statistically! Take your best pitches, loaded questions, conversation controlling techniques, etc. and write down what successes you had and what failed. Overtime you'll quickly get a few different pitches that you can mix up or run with that have great success rates. Once you master one or two items like this your ability to sell something is already getting better and further items are going to snap into place with ease.
Next you're going to need to bring replay value to an item. There needs to be a reason later to use the item as well. ALWAYS give somebody a long term reason what you're selling will still rock later. You could easily say it's only increasing in value, or other characters could use it, or you'll never need another one, etc. etc. etc. Say; 'yea what’s sweet about this is its great no matter what level you are'. Or 'every time you guild does whatever, you're going to be their prime guy'. I could go on for a long time about tactics I've learned but one of the last ones you'll master after a while at this is the ability to control image. If you keep somebody attached through an entire sale properly you've painted this world class piece of artwork in their head. There's not a single thing that looks wrong, or bad, it's just overwhelming awesome and they have to have it.
This is when you finally use all the ammo you've gathered to pull the trigger, kill the target, make the sale, and gain profits. Once you decide to make the jump, make the deal, and get this customer out of here and onto the next, you can finally bring up price. This is a tricky moment of every sale. If you've done your job the price doesn't even really matter at all and you're close to picking the lint out of their pockets already. If not then you need to start high, really high and bargain away pointless things with them. This is the ancient art of bartering and you need to get away from it at all times. You need to create the image of a huge company, or the mass public, or in the end, the normal so people flock to you and accept it. If something isn't valued at the profit levels you're attempting to make when you go to close the sale then you're only loosing profit with every sentence afterwards.
If you do get stuck in a barter then you need to trade pointless, worthwhile things that don't affect your bottom line. Instead of making the item you're profiting off of cheaper, throw in little items that are out of stock at the moment publicly but that you control and have massive piles of in your storage. My favorite; make a deal for deals later. This is the best way to work a loosing bartering position to a once again huge win. Basically this is like a really lame I.O.U. Say things like 'well you're a great guy I'm sure we'll be doing business again so how about 10% off our next deal'. Hell start putting together the next deal right then and there so you're building a returning customer while maintaining your profit margin. You'd never assume this would work but once you've started to build a relationship with somebody they'll always come back to you then a stranger.
If you just can't make the sale at the ridiculous price you're asking feel free to discount it a little, and I mean a little. Use percentages instead of direct sums. People generally are more impressed with getting a percentage instead of a value because they think it's better since in their minds it's more complicated. They feel like they've won because they're getting something that sounds great but they don’t' do the math in their heads. Also you need to be able to walk away from a hard sale. Creating the image that an item is hot and others will just as easily pay the nutty price you're asking is key. Sometimes you're just going to loose a sale, that’s ok, forget it, move on to the next target.
If you loose a sale because the person wants a realistic price on an item that’s fine because you'd be trading an item for little to no profit. The next person who buys the item for the same profits as selling four or five items at regular price makes up for the time you lost and allows you to expand your inventories greatly after every last sale. Remember when you're in sales mode you're not here to help the community, you're here to profit.
7.2: Method Two:(learning the art of image control)
The second way of creating hype over an item that doesn't involve any personal face time or sales experience is creating the illusion others are doing the same thing. This can very very easily be done by just making new characters and selling the same item in the same price ranges. If you were to take an item worth 250g (generic number) and list it for 1000g on one character you're setting the insane bar. Grab another character and list it for 999g to create the first appearance that 1000g isn't outrageous. Grab a third character and list it for 950g to make a low 'valued spot' and then finally take another character and list it for 749. People are going to associate the value of this item with the masses and see that the 749 is significantly less then the current market value and buy it just to relist it for profit. When you sell the 749 one you've just made 500g profit on top of the value of the item and can simply relist another one at 749.
There needs to be a gap in-between your absurd market price and the item you want to sell to trigger people’s greed to buy it and relist. This is a great way to do this if you're starting out but if you're on the status of empire then what you can do is create named characters or well a name brand basically. Then list everything with these name brand characters/guilds openly at the same extreme price in such mass that it literally forces your competition pages back to where nobody even sees them. If you have four pages of the same items that you post throughout the day then anyone beating your price that you haven't bought out will just get lost in the pages and pages of your items. People will check a page and then just assume that’s the default price because you own the market and will submit to your outrageous demands because they feel there is no other choice. This sometimes is based off of people’s lack of time to find a good deal but most the time just has to do with people being complete tools.
7.3: Method Three:(selling your soul to gain quick and large profits)
Depending on how far you're willing to push situations of hype I've commonly seen people go to auction systems and bid on their own items constantly to make them seem in demand to the one or two real people that want them. Once people see this item is in demand it adds this mysterious value to it which people are willing to pay more and more for as others keep rising the cost. After you've got to 200-300% value kill off your bidding and let somebody claim the prize.
Another method used by shady characters to bring in large piles of quick currency is to list an item for some stupid amount. Next advertise it, then bring in another character that needs this item and is asking for it publically. Take this character and offer to pay something actually even more stupid then the price you put it up for and somebody out of wanting to make a quick buck will buy the insanely priced item in an attempt to sell it to your other character. Tables turned when you no longer need the item, logged out, or 'some one else sold you it'. Note even from my point of view this makes you a bastard.
7.4: Method Four:Being a good friend instead of a business associate
People for the most part hate being pitched too. Despise it. Also the concept of business often makes people feel uncomfortable. No matter what you're selling you're going to experience greater success when the customer finds you as a friend helping them instead of a person trying to make a buck off them. The key is discussing things with people outside of the idea of payment, how their life is going, compare their life to yours, and overall be a caring individual. Be perfectly polite, greet all around, ask when somebody generally plays, etc. If they say they need a moment to handle their kids or such then that’s a great spot to bond with them, etc. The loading your gun system only gets better the more people trust you and respond with personal replies. Over time you'll find your best customers and highest profit sales are going to come from the people who like you the most. They'll even refer their friends to you for great deals and being taken care of. Once people sell other people without you being there, you're one step closer to an empire.
7.5: Method Five:Using database programs and websites
A lot of mmorpgs have websites or pieces of software to record market prices and toss back averages, etc. These are designed to help stop a lot of what we’re doing and to inform people of what’s a fair price over a rip off. But most of them fail over time because they’re just recording stats and that can always be exploited.
A lot of games I’ve seen people list incredibly high prices to throw off these numbers or in the case of RO a lot of people constantly change their prices around by barely anything so it re-registers on the sites as a new seller and price for the day. Over time you’re going to change the averages anyways so I wouldn’t put to much worry into these. Controlling the market means it doesn’t matter what it says on a website.
If you’re in it to win at all costs go ahead and do some research on your own with rare markets that are recorded by the system. See how you can affect it and reapply these techniques on every market you’re taking over.
8.0: Finding consumers not prosumers:
The people you're targeting are your average doesn't think about things for more then a few second’s consumer. Consumers are people with money who are coming to spend it. They're pretty much already baited you just need to pull them in. In online games these are very easily spotted as people who are looking for an item or service. Go to town! The reason you want these people is because you hold all the power, you know they have money and you know you have what they want.
The people you need to stay away from are people who have done research, know what an item's really worth, or have a max spending limit. Any time you get to a point or two where a person just isn't going to budge and you get the feeling there's no way this person is paying something outrageous then you can ether back out of the sale politely to save face and move onto the next target or you can just cut right down and pull the trigger without info. Cold selling to people who are smart about things will almost never work but every once in a while you'll come across somebody who has so much currency stock piled they know it's a rip but just don't care.
You can choose how to handle the situation every time but the point is get out of it. Do not waste time on people who are going to buy something at a reasonable price. Reasonable price is slow profits over many many trades and will never generate the amounts of currency you need to adapt to the ever changing economy. I'd always rather hit ten people that might or might not have cash and sell them then one or two people who I know have cash but aren’t worth my time to talk to.
8.1: Exploiting currency trade:
Knowing that people can easily go and trade their real life currency for intense digital wealth only makes this better. You can spin the idea in people’s heads to purchase currency and come back, or that people who have this type of currency are the only people who get items like this. Doesn’t' really matter, what I really try to drive home to people is that you're only selling to 10% or less of a servers population. Which means if your item gets 100 views at least 90 of these views come from people who absolutely no way in hell can afford the item without spending real money. If you see people around or chat with people wanting an item, you can always arrange a personal price difference if the person can provide cash by say next Tuesday or such. If you can sell somebody on holding it for them until their next paycheck you can even double dip. Once somebody is committed to you for an item go ahead and toss on a storage fee for the time the item is off the market.
9.0: Closing:
I hope this was a useful look into the world of all those crazy people who spend time trying to control virtual markets of items only known by people playing a game. A lot of the people I've met from this in all major mmorpgs are only doing it for reputation. A small group of them have been people trying to play the markets for currency piles to sell to companies who resell it on the net. Probably the best people I've met at this did it for fun and the absolute high end is for people who are just obsessed with numbers and power.
I've actually gone through a pretty large peace and love movement so even if this does sound pretty hardcore, evil, and the life of a salesman at least it was provided for free instead of sold over eBay like tons of other guides on making money in mmorpgs. All comments are welcome and please build onto this. This is only a light framework to the techniques and mindset behind the total work it takes for mastery. Got a lot of money, a company, and looking to hire somebody like the writer of this thread? mmm never mind. Enjoy everybody, go forth and claim your empire of digital riches!!